From: BradBlog
By Brad Friedman on 5/7/2013, 6:54pm PT
after the March primaries for the U.S. House Special Election in South
Carolina's 1st Congressional District, the race between Democratic
candidate Elizabeth Colbert Busch (Stephen Colbert's sister) and disgraced former Republican Gov. Mark Sanford was said to be "a toss-up", according to surveys by Public Policy Polling (PPP), one of the most accurate polling firms across the entire country during the 2012 President Election cycle. They had Colbert Busch up by 2 points over Sanford in that early pre-election poll.
Just over two weeks ago, as news broke that Sanford was due to appear in court after his ex-wife claimed he had been caught trespassing at her home, PPP found that Colbert Busch's lead had expanded to 9 points in the race.
Over the weekend, in their final polling, PPP found the gap had closed, and Sanford was leading by 1 point in a race they described, one again, as "a toss-up".
Tonight, South Carolina's same 100% unverifiable touch-screen voting
systems that declared the unknown, unemployed,
never-once-campaigned-anywhere Alvin Green to have somehow defeated
four-term state legislator and circuit court judge Vic Rawl to win the
2010 Democratic nomination for the U.S. Senate, declared Mark Sanford
the winner over Elizabeth Colbert Busch by a 9 point landslide...
The unverified and unverifiable computer-reported results tonight led PPP's Tom Jensen to tweet:
"I feel bad about our SC-1 polling, I'd feel worse if there had been
any indication from any other polling that Sanford landslide was
Neither Jensen nor PPP should feel bad. There was no more indication
that a "landslide was coming", than there is proof tonight that it
actually came.
We explained last month,
in detail, why the votes cast in this race on SC's oft-failed,
easily-manipulated ES&S iVotronic touch-screen voting system would
be 100% unverifiable. As Vic Rawl, a Colbert Busch supporter and the man
who inexplicably "lost" to Alvin Green told us at the time, no matter
what the results would be tonight, no matter how inexplicable they might
be, "the fact is, there's not a darn thing that anybody can do about
While it's completely possible that PPP's pre-election numbers were
entirely wrong, or that the disgraced Sanford legitimately, somehow,
achieved an 18 point turnaround in just two weeks, the voters of SC will
never know one way or another if he did or didn't. Once again, we have
another 100% unverifiable faith-based election in the world's
once-greatest democracy.
* * *
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