Friday, September 6, 2024

The Magical Equation for Needy Spouses in Santa Barbara County

 The answer will be up here on September 11, 2024 because the two stories have some curious linkages.  

How About Some Forbidden History today?

 Facebook did not like what I had to say, claimed what is below is spam, and deleted this cute little article.  I disagree.  A Pox on Zuckerman, or berg, or whatever his name is.  MP-F

by Melinda Pillsbury-Foster

This morning, I visited this cheesy website, hosted at, and realized this is just a con job for building up their email list.  You are donating to the campaign of Mike Rogers, not his smiling companion Donald Trump, the GOP Candidate for President.  

(Don’t even mention the outrage of having the Republican Party’s Official Color changed from Union Blue, in commemoration of the Civil War battle for ending slavery, to RED, the Official Color for the Confederacy, which had adopted the Socialist paradigm promoted by George Fitzhugh in his book, Sociology for the South, or, the Failure of Free Society (1854).     

Did Mike Roger produce this idea, or did he remember a similar, but very different, idea presented on 

Three  years ago, we  provided a page for each candidate for President who registered with us to debate other candidates, now routinely ignored by the MSM, not only real debates on real issues, but a full page showing the faces and qualifications for every member of their Cabinet if that Presidential Candidate were to be elected.  This was to be viewed as a promise, not a come-on.

All of us need to tie candidates down, guaranteeing their performance in office.  I realized this in 1992 while looking at an old pot holder and suggested a different solution, Honesty Bond as a way to hold those running for office to their campaign promises.  Naturally, it would work, so it was ignored.  I had originally floated the idea to Republicans, because at the time I had left the LP, from frustration with the approach of LP presidential candidates who insisted on focusing on raising small amounts of money from loyalists and never challenging the media and the anointed MSM candidates. 

If the idea, faintly, reminds you of the idea Newt Gingrich floated for Contract ON America, you are correct.  I was surprised to learn one of the pieces of literature on Honesty Bond, I passed out at the California Convention that year was handed to Gingrich by John Fund, who was then in a relationship with my daughter, Morgan Pillsbury.  It was Morgan who revealed this to me when she asked some years later, “What was that idea you had, remember? The one about the pot holder?” 

It was educational, and I left with not a moment of regret, as much was revealed to me.    

The number of people running for the Presidency today is not two or three, but about 1,400, duly registered with the FEC.

My thought was that for generations now we have been forced to buy a pig in a poke, as we decide who to support for the Office of President of the United States. 

Firm commitments on who will be entrusted with the growing number of ways government now rules over us could provide a real sense of confidence in a presidential candidate who is asking for our vote.  But it would have to be a real pledge from the candidate for president. Obviously, in this instance, Donald is not promising anything.

Now, if a presidential candidate nominated a highly qualified free market economist, such as Walter Block, for Secretary of the Treasury, which would mean something. 

Right now, our only registered candidate is Jennifer Nicole Alameda, who would certainly be happy to let you know the make up of her cabinet, if asked. 

Get in touch, folks for freedom need to listen to each other and then enact the principles!


  1. A basic truth, law, or assumption.
    "the principles of democracy."
  2. Actually, for me it is agency, spelled large.