Tuesday, November 26, 2024

A $97-Trillion Exchange of ideas


by Brock d'Avignon
Ms. Koch,
If you want a seeming exclusive no other reporters seem smart or wise enough to see as all politicians say they do not want to touch Social Security, they've actually been raiding its SSA "Trust Fund" for most of 83 years replacing it with IOUs (fancier term in the Congressional Budget Office that ignores the time value of money at $97-Trillion)  that are spent in either the General Fund or for specific agencies. Try this: None of the agencies nor Congress has ever repaid the "Trust Fund". Outfits like the PeterG. Petersen Foundation whine about the operational budget debt annually going over $30T to $34T but seem to miss the IOUs in the SSA Trust Fund, and the similar time value of money lost to spending sprees since LBJ since 1965 raiding the Medicare Trust Fund to about $80T. The principal amounts having never been repaid have either interest due or the equivalent of interest due. The Ponzi scheme set up by FDR and LBJ are neither insurance nor a contribution as in the phrase Federal Insurance Contribution Act FICA. I've told the Petersen Foundation to get real but their Executive director JRosen@pgpf.org keeps ignoring this, even as they do a nice job of the debt clock. If you'd like information on the 27 federal Government Special Entities (tax-payer supported banks) that now own 92% of the mortgages in America since 2008, let me know.

You might contact Jim Mietus, Executive Branch Office of Management and Budget retired (Reagan to Obama) 703-759-3007, Tell him I sent you for advice. One suggestion is freeze, lower, or eliminate various federal departments or agencies' budgets, with the requirement that 10% per year of it will be returned to the SSA fund. No more talk of cutting down the seniors, but the bureaucracy that had a wild time with retirement funds and medical funds. Indict every Congress person who ever voted for spending SSA or Medicare Trust Funds on anything else as racketeers. (Probably 2/3rds of them of all parties). Try Institute of Justice or pacific Legal Foundation for that should make more headlines than the nonsense. Or you might discuss the cracking of the supergene on ageing or something intelligent. Jeff Bezos dropped $3B on cracking 1600 genomic diseases including ageing, so that might factor into future calculations to not rip off the elders until they get their booster spice and rejoin the workforce. All arguments are irrelevant to money retained and or invested for the purpose intended, the rest is a smokescreen. 

If you want a contrast to this fraud, see the French who do not let their politicians touch one centime of their mandated (forced) retirement or medical savings or accounts. France invests it all in the French stock and bond markets. As a result, the French senior and disabled are the most solvent in the world while Americans are the most broke. The French have about 11 different kinds of pensions based on the occupation from chef to railroad engine driver. Check it out, its on Wikipedia. Americans would say to you," Don't be stupid." the French would say, "Be wiser."


Thursday, November 7, 2024

A Short Commentary on the Election for President, 2024


Donald Trump won the presidency. This is a fact, and the event shocked the group who all too often identify themselves as “Liberals.” 

Biden and Harris were never liberals, the meaning of that word having been in long and consistent usage for centuries, as you see below. But by nature, and ideology, never opposed to theft, they have shamelessly misused the word, once the battle-cry for individual freedom.

From the Wiki – “Liberalism, the belief in freedom, equality, democracy and human rights, is historically associated with thinkers such as John Locke and Montesquieu, and with constitutionally limiting the power of the monarch, affirming parliamentary supremacy, passing the Bill of Rights and establishing the principle of "consent of the governed". The 1776 Declaration of Independence of the United States founded the nascent republic on liberal principles without the encumbrance of hereditary aristocracy—the declaration stated that "all men are created equal and endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, among these life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness".[1] A few years later, the French Revolution overthrew the hereditary aristocracy, with the slogan "liberty, equality, fraternity" and was the first state in history to grant universal male suffrage. The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, first codified in 1789 in France, is a foundational document of both liberalism and human rights, itself based on the U.S. Declaration of Independence written in 1776. The intellectual progress of the Enlightenment, which questioned old traditions about societies and governments, eventually coalesced into powerful revolutionary movements that toppled what the French called the Ancien RĂ©gime, the belief in absolute monarchy and established religion, especially in Europe, Latin America and North America.
William Henry of Orange in theGlorious Revolution, Thomas Jefferson in the American Revolution and Lafayette in the French Revolution used liberal philosophy to justify the armed overthrow of what they saw as tyrannical rule. The 19th century saw liberal governments established in nations across Europe, South America, and North America.[2] In this period, the dominant ideological opponent of classical liberalism was conservatism, but liberalism later survived major ideological challenges from new opponents, such as fascism and communism. Liberal government often adopted the economic beliefs espoused by Adam Smith, John Stuart Mill and others, which broadly emphasized the importance of free markets and laissez-faire governance, with a minimum of interference in trade.”

The practiced rebranders of words, for the moment defeated, by Trump, closer to real "Liberalism", today expressed as Conservative, Libertarian, or Free Market, will be leaving office in January 2025. I personally hope they take their Fascism and Communism with them. But it is likely there will be more confrontations. I listened to her concession and the twisting of reality was clearly expressed, though she used the freedom terms shamelessly, as usual.

The three terms in the paragraph above, Liberalism, Conservative, and Libertarian, are the bedrock of thought that resulted in the rejection of top-down dictatorships, such as we experienced with Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union during WWII and later.

Operating on the well-proven theory that a lie can be converted to ‘truth’ if you say it often enough and loudly enough, the departing cadre of Not-Liberals, Biden and Harris, were practiced experts for asserting that lie. This assault on our individual rights began in 1912 and included the grab of the Hetch Hetchy by San Francisco. America has been rapidly descending into fascism/communism during the Biden Administration, this beginning in 1912. For this election round, Americans of all ages and other descriptions noticed this through the inflation and tightening bondage that they were experiencing and voted for Donald Trump.

Also note that Union Blue, the color for more than a century always associated with the Republican Party. Red is historically the color associated with the 'Democratic Party'. These colors became identified with the two political parties during the Civil War, when the North fought to end slavery, and the South fought to continue it.  This switch was carried out, I believe by CNN about 20 years ago.