Friday, September 6, 2024

The Magical Equation for Needy Spouses in Santa Barbara County

 The answer will be up here on September 11, 2024 because the two stories have some curious linkages.  

How About Some Forbidden History today?

 Facebook did not like what I had to say, claimed what is below is spam, and deleted this cute little article.  I disagree.  A Pox on Zuckerman, or berg, or whatever his name is.  MP-F

by Melinda Pillsbury-Foster

This morning, I visited this cheesy website, hosted at, and realized this is just a con job for building up their email list.  You are donating to the campaign of Mike Rogers, not his smiling companion Donald Trump, the GOP Candidate for President.  

(Don’t even mention the outrage of having the Republican Party’s Official Color changed from Union Blue, in commemoration of the Civil War battle for ending slavery, to RED, the Official Color for the Confederacy, which had adopted the Socialist paradigm promoted by George Fitzhugh in his book, Sociology for the South, or, the Failure of Free Society (1854).     

Did Mike Roger produce this idea, or did he remember a similar, but very different, idea presented on 

Three  years ago, we  provided a page for each candidate for President who registered with us to debate other candidates, now routinely ignored by the MSM, not only real debates on real issues, but a full page showing the faces and qualifications for every member of their Cabinet if that Presidential Candidate were to be elected.  This was to be viewed as a promise, not a come-on.

All of us need to tie candidates down, guaranteeing their performance in office.  I realized this in 1992 while looking at an old pot holder and suggested a different solution, Honesty Bond as a way to hold those running for office to their campaign promises.  Naturally, it would work, so it was ignored.  I had originally floated the idea to Republicans, because at the time I had left the LP, from frustration with the approach of LP presidential candidates who insisted on focusing on raising small amounts of money from loyalists and never challenging the media and the anointed MSM candidates. 

If the idea, faintly, reminds you of the idea Newt Gingrich floated for Contract ON America, you are correct.  I was surprised to learn one of the pieces of literature on Honesty Bond, I passed out at the California Convention that year was handed to Gingrich by John Fund, who was then in a relationship with my daughter, Morgan Pillsbury.  It was Morgan who revealed this to me when she asked some years later, “What was that idea you had, remember? The one about the pot holder?” 

It was educational, and I left with not a moment of regret, as much was revealed to me.    

The number of people running for the Presidency today is not two or three, but about 1,400, duly registered with the FEC.

My thought was that for generations now we have been forced to buy a pig in a poke, as we decide who to support for the Office of President of the United States. 

Firm commitments on who will be entrusted with the growing number of ways government now rules over us could provide a real sense of confidence in a presidential candidate who is asking for our vote.  But it would have to be a real pledge from the candidate for president. Obviously, in this instance, Donald is not promising anything.

Now, if a presidential candidate nominated a highly qualified free market economist, such as Walter Block, for Secretary of the Treasury, which would mean something. 

Right now, our only registered candidate is Jennifer Nicole Alameda, who would certainly be happy to let you know the make up of her cabinet, if asked. 

Get in touch, folks for freedom need to listen to each other and then enact the principles!


  1. A basic truth, law, or assumption.
    "the principles of democracy."
  2. Actually, for me it is agency, spelled large.  

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Auschwitz 2.0: The Zionists' despicable "Summer of Cruelty" in Gaza

 By Jane Stillwater

     My Aunt Doris from Detroit married a survivor of Auschwitz.  Could anything be worse than a Nazi concentration camp as grim as Auschwitz?  Apparently so.  Zionists are currently competing for the title of having created the Worst Concentration Camp Ever -- almost like it was some kind of Olympic event and they were striving for a gold metal in bestiality, trying to beat Auschwitz' previous record of being the most cruel place on earth.

     My Aunt Doris from Detroit married a survivor of Auschwitz.  Could anything be worse than a Nazi concentration camp as grim as Auschwitz?  Apparently so.  Zionists are currently competing for the title of having created the Worst Concentration Camp Ever -- almost like it was some kind of Olympic event and they were striving for a gold metal in bestiality, trying to beat Auschwitz' previous record of being the most cruel place on earth.

    Here's even more history of the 100-year ongoing massacre of Palestinians by Zionists: 
For those of you who still read stuff, Paul Larudee pleads with the Zionists to give America back our country:
And we are being duped about Venezuela's elections too -- because gold and oil are involved (of course):

America, just wait until "your boy comes home in a box" after defending the Zionists' right to commit genocide:

How to Start the Final World War


L. Reichard White
©August 17, 2023 (21:55p),

The bureaucrats in charge after WWII, fearing a return to the banker/government-caused Great Depression, made a fatal decision. Since it had apparently finally gotten the U.S. out of that disaster, enshrined in National Security Council Report 68 (NSC-68), signed by president Harry S Truman on September 30, 1950, they decided to continue using the manufacture of military materials to pump the economy.

Ten years later, President and Five-star General Dwight Eisenhower caught a glimpse of the result and warned us like this - - -

"In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial-congressional complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

"We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together." --Dwight D. Eisenhower, Farewell Address 1961, Public Papers of the Presidents, Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1960, p. 1035- 1040

Called "Military Keynesianism," political scientist and ex-CIA consultant Chalmers Johnson was among those who solidly nailed the long-term dangers and consequences of using war production to stimulate the economy.

It was clear that the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) required an enemy, a dastardly villain, as an excuse. They managed to create North Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and a few lesser excuses into that needed commodity but these all eventually fell short and fizzled out.

You can find a list of seven potential replacements HERE.

And how about that old stand-by, the Soviet Union? But it had broken up. On the other hand, public opinion polls showed that most Americans hadn't separated modern Russia from that intimidating image of the old Soviet Union as our evil enemy. All those decades of propaganda were still in place, especially in the minds of us Baby Boomers. Especially Hollywood propaganda. You know, James Bond and all.

So, a ready-made villain on the cheap!

The Main-Stream Media (MSM) had completely failed to notice that the Russians had learned the hard way that socialism/communism "promised workers paradise but delivered the other place instead." They'd also learned -- the hard way -- that voluntary market exchange kicks booty.

So, under the guidance of Vladmir Putin and his cronies, they'd been promoting trade with other folks in other countries, including selling massive amounts of natural gas to Europe through their twin billion-dollar under-sea pipelines, Nord Stream I and soon, II. They'd been promoting Sochi as a resort town and host to major international events. Etc.

The Russians were making money hand over fist and loving it. And Putin was regularly referring to "Our friends and partners in the West." Meaning us.

But That Thing That Lives in Washington D.C. and its minions (the U.K. for example) needed that Essential Villain and guess who they chose?

The C.I.A. has a lot of experience assassinating folks, overturning governments, fomenting violence and revolution, that sort of thing. President Harry S. Truman, who created the C.I.A., described things this way - - -

"Now, as nearly as I can make out, those fellows in the CIA don't just report on wars and the like, they go out and make their own, and there's nobody to keep track of what they're up to. They spend billions of dollars on stirring up trouble so they'll have something to report on. They've become ... it's become a government all of its own and all secret. They don't have to account to anybody." --Pres. Harry S. Truman

And so they got to work, first by refurbishing the narrative.

Exactly what you'd expect since, exposed by the Sen. Frank Church Committee, most savvy folks know that Western Main Stream Media (MSM) is a fully owned and integrated subsidiary of the C.I.A.

By this time I was finally beginning to get it. SOMEBODY was setting up Putin and the Russians for SOMETHING.

"SOMEBODY" was likely the CIA and I started looking for signs.

A big one was the 2014 CIA-engineered Ukrainian Maidan coup, spearheaded by U.S. operative Victoria Nuland and abetted by Hilary Clinton. It ousted Russia-friendly Viktor Yanukovych in favor of several U.S. puppets, ending up with former comedian Volodymyr Zelenskyy. The CIA also planned to get Ukraine into NATO.

I started listening to Putin's speeches whenever I could. I heard things like this (notice the date) - - -

- "We must get back to the international law instead of might makes right. ... U.S. approach, one step forward, one step back gets nowhere. ...There has to be a dialog, I don't think there is any other way." --Vladimir Putin Thursday, April 25, 2019 5:25 AM, media event during Kim Jon Un/Putin summit in Vladivistok

It gradually became clear that Putin and the Russians were as paranoid of NATO as we Baby Boomers had been of the old Soviet Union.

I was a teen during the Cuban Missile Crisis. That was when U.S. President J.F. Kennedy prepared to invade Cuba if the Soviet Union didn't remove its missiles.

We were planning to hang out in neighboring quarry tunnels to outlast the nuclear fallout. That wouldn't work, but it was better than the school instructions, "Hide under your desk, and put your head between your knees." We added the realistic part: "... and kiss your butt goodby."

Even though those missiles were only 90 miles from our shores, Cuba was a sovereign nation and so Kennedy did not have the right to make that demand. Regardless, the Soviets listened, and luckily for the human race, removed their missiles.

Whether Russian or American, you can't argue with that kind of deep-seated fear and that goes for the Russians today. And this isn't just Putin -- he has plenty of company.

But even worse than the Cuban Crisis, Ukraine in NATO would put NATO missiles directly on Russia's border -- and only 5 minutes travel time to Moscow.

That would automatically put Russian nuclear forces in " launch on warn" mode, meaning no time to straighten out any mistakes or glitches. That means no brakes on Russia's retaliation nukes and any mistake or glitch pretty much the end of the world.

That made Ukraine joining NATO a national security red-line for the Russians. And, if the rest of the world had any sense at all, a red-line for all of us.

Of course, Putin had no more right to demand Ukraine pledge not to join NATO than J. F. Kennedy had for demanding Soviet missiles be removed from Cuba.

So Putin sent very short and clear warnings to the U.S., NATO, the UN, UK, etc. They ignored him entirely, so he tried again. And again.

Apparently, he thought putting 100,000 Russian troops on Ukraine's border and leaving them there would finally "send a message" they couldn't ignore.

As Anatol Lieven wrote in the January 25, 2022 TIME, Russia Has Been Warning the West About Ukraine for Decades. The West Should Have Listened.

The Russian troops were there for three months -- December 2021 until Feb. 24, 2022 -- before what Putin called the "special military operation" (SMO) began.

The Russians claimed during that three months on the border that they did not intend to invade. Indeed, what military in its right mind would telegraph an invasion, giving the enemy three months to prepare?

It seems Putin was just attempting to emulate U.S. officials who are always sending (often rude) messages to everyone, lately using so-called "sanctions" which, incidentally, are endangering the U.S. dollar's status as the world's reserve currency.

But now it's Feb. 25, 2022 and what's done is done. Putin had to call his own bluff. So the "Special Military Operation" has begun. Now what?

Here's what the Russians had in mind according to Olexii Arestovich, Zelensky's former 'spin doctor' and adviser. He described the circumstance of the Russian SMO first entry into Ukraine like this:

It was conceived as a bloodless mission and should have passed without casualties, he says. "They tried to wage a smart war… Such an elegant, beautiful, lightning-fast special operation, where polite people, without causing any damage to either a kitten or a child, eliminated the few who resisted. They didn't want to kill anyone: Just sign the renunciation".... Alastair Crooke, Strategic Culture, February 14, 2023

That from the top of, not Russian, but Ukraine, public relations. It also perfectly jibes with the presentation Putin gave just before he triggered the "SMO."

Clearly Mr. Putin miscalculated. Or perhaps the C.I.A. threw sand in the gears again.

It's clear this whole MIC/C.I.A. concocted mess could have been quite easily avoided in the first place. And, while not nearly as easily, probably still wound-down even now.

Respected weapons inspector Scott Ritter put it something like this: "To avoid the whole Ukraine Fiasco, all Ukraine had to do was to agree not to join NATO."

Once you know the facts, it's hard not to reach that same rational, logical, conclusion. These folks did - - - Ron Paul, and Prof. John Mearsheimer, and Jimmy Dore with Matt Tiabbi. And Elon Musk joined the rational crowd.

You may not be aware because others who reached the same conclusion were disappeared, censored and otherwise dissed and cancelled for undermining the C.I.A. narrative. Remember, the MSM , now including GOOGLE, Facebook, before-Musk-twitter, etc. are fully owned C.I.A. subsidiaries.

For example, GOOGLE SEARCH disappeared all direct links to "Tips on How to Start the Final World War," the original publication of this piece, and took the added precaution of heading any search for it with the mis-direction below - - -

In fact, the logical, rational, solution was so obvious that Turkey's president Erdogan and Israel's Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, both offered to negotiate peace, and initially Putin and Zelenskyy both agreed to talk. Until SOMEBODY got word to The Comedian that peace wasn't the goal and he backed out.

Blinken Dismisses Calls for a Ceasefire, Says US Must Build Up Ukraine's Military, The Secretary of State called for Washington to continue to put militarism before diplomacy

And SOMEBODY blew up the Russian's Nord Stream pipelines.

The Thing Living In D.C. is warning China not to supply Russia with "lethal weapons" because it will "prolong the war and cause more misery and death." But, of course, the "lethal weapons" supplied by the U.S. will have no such effect. Right?

In an interview (Feb 19, 2023), General Mille, echoing the back-room consensus, observed that the Ukrainians aren't likely to make anymore battlefield gains and it was time for them to move to the negotiating table. The MIC pulled strings somewhere and the negotiating table suggestion disappeared.

The MIC needs its essential villain. So, as the quip goes, "it's determined to fight the Russians down to the last Ukranian."

Putin and company have repeatedly warned that if Russia believes it faces an "existential threat," they will use nukes.

Keeping in mind that when push came to shove, when nailed to the wall, Putin called his own Ukraine border bluff, what do you make of the 8 Russian fighter jets on Alaska's border two days in a row?

US intercepts 8 Russian fighter jets near Alaska in 2 days

US Air Force fighter jets conduct back-to-back intercepts of Russian aircraft near Alaska

And prequels like this - - -

F-16s intercept Russian bombers flying near Alaska | Stars and Stripes

On Feb. 27, 2022, just three days after he pulled the Ukraine invasion trigger (Feb. 24) Russia's Putin puts nuclear forces on high alert | Reuters

And more recently, directly out of "Games Theory" basic strategy, a Moscow foreign policy magazine suggested limited tactical nuclear strikes on Europe to convince "The West" Russia was nuclear serious.

In addition to recently placing tactical nukes on Belarusian territory - - -

Russia Puts Its Longest Range Nuke-Capable Missile On Combat Duty, Nicknamed 'Satan II', Saturday, Sep 02, 2023 - 12:45 AM

It was NATO that christened it with the apt nic, "Satan II."

Via a huge Wikileaks dump, we know the U.S. and NATO both knew Ukraine in NATO was Russia's Bright Red Line. Even Biden specifically recognized that, just as in the Cuban Missile Crisis, this was Armageddon time - - -

Biden Says Risk of Nuclear 'Armageddon' Is Highest Since 1962 [Cuban Missile] Crisis --The New York Times

Clearly they don't need my tips, they've already aced How to Start the Final World War.

So the burning question: "Is That Thing Living in Washington D.C. suicidal?"

HERE for updates, additions, comments, and corrections.

AND, "Like," "Tweet," and otherwise, pass this along!

= = = =

L. Reichard White [send him mail] taught physics and the philosophy of science, designed and built a house, ran for Nevada State Senate, served two terms on the Libertarian National Committee, managed a theater company, etc. For the next few decades, he supported his writing habit by beating casinos at their own games. His hobby, though, is explaining things he wishes someone had explained to him. You can find a few of his other explanations listed here.



Saturday, February 24, 2024

Who we are and the lessons we learned

Libertarian Party History

The Old Timers Series

More than a full generation has passed since that small but determined band of mostly young people came together to form what we all hoped would become the right political tool for renewing the battle for individual freedom.

We all know it started in David Nolan's living room. A lot of water has passed under the bridge since then, as the saying goes. Some who were there then to witness what happened are now dead. Others are still in there working for freedom either in the LP or in related fields.

I started out in West Los Angeles where I had been born and raised and where I met my first mentor on the ideas of Liberty, James Dean. Where did you start out? Where are you now? What happened in the middle?

This is about the past we share and about reconnecting to each other.

The Old Timer's Series will feature short biographical sketches of Old Timers to appear on these pages and on a blog we will set up for that purpose. If you are an Old Timer I have not yet found, get in touch. It will be great to reconnect even if we didn't talk back then. We will have a lot in common, no doubt.

As I am contacting Old Timers I am also compiling a list of contact information and each Old Timer will have the option of getting in touch with other Old Timers, if they wish to be contacted. I'm hoping everyone does. Think about other Old Timers and about those Old Timers who are not with us any more. I will be doing sketches for Roger MacBride, William Hunscher, Mike Hall, Bob Lehman, and others who can't be interviewed. I know there are more.

These individual stories will help us all understand the past we share. Eventually, it would be lovely to have a get together so we can see each other again.

Consider what kind of reunion we could have. Cruises are fun but there are endless possibilities. In the meanwhile, start rifling through those dusty mementos and through your mind. It is amazing how much you remember when you start thinking about it.

Look forward to chatting. Melinda 

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Conversion of America from Individual Freedom to Wage Slavery

 Bruce died some years ago, but sent me this article that reviewed, still holds many truths about America's direction.  Understanding these facts is important for our needed change of paradigm for freedom.  Others have also fought the battle against the IRS and other government frauds on us, including the Social Security 'Trust'.   But Bruce's words remain crystalline and true today, as they were more than a decade ago.  MP-F

By Bruce Barton


In 1895 the Supreme Court (Pollack vs. Farmers Loan & Trust Co., 158 US 601) ruled that the income tax as a direct tax was prohibited by Article I, Section IX of the U.S. Constitution.  How times have changed, your employer has become their tax collector.


Taxes as a Percent of Federal Revenue[1]

As you can see, America has become a corporate work-state.  The present administration has only consolidated the power of the new Caesar and his Senate achieved after nearly 100 years of efforts.  Why do you think King George the Second welcomes all immigrants legal and otherwise?  

The Republic of the United States had resisted the influence of the global bankers since the drafting of the Bill of Rights.  The War of 1812, as was the Civil War it can be argued, were engineered by world banking interests in Europe.  They were only successful following the massive wave of immigration (cheap labor) in the early 20th Century, the Industrial Revolution, and the dawn of the Progressive Era just prior to the Wilson administration. 


This is a generational subversion[2] of a people from productivity in the individual pursuit of life, liberty and happiness – to productivity in the pursuit of corporate profits and the security of the socialist collective.  Here are some highlights:


In 1913 the 16th Amendment to the Constitution was, [fraudulently], declared to have been ratified by the required number of states.  [This issue is subject to question and debate, but we present a federal judges opinion on the subject at the end of this history lesson.]


In 1914 the Federal Reserve Bank was legislated into being.  The Bank is neither ‘federal’ nor has ‘reserves’ [other than the paper they print Federal Reserve Notes on].  The fact is the Bank is a private corporation.  Look it up in the San Francisco phone book; it’s not in the government phone listing section – it’s in the white pages.


So the stage was set.  Although the Constitution strictly forbids peonage and slavery, the government of the United States has now become dependent upon the forced labor of every working man, woman and child in America to pay for nearly everything it does – and they have gone deeply in debt on the backs of future unborn Americans! 


We are consumers.  We are no longer producers.  Individual debt is out of control and the government just put the squeeze on the bankruptcy laws.  What once took a single income can now only be purchased with two wage earners.  The government is raising our children, and the Ninth Circuit Court has decreed that parental authority ends at the schoolroom doors.  We’ve been locked out.


Due to declining birth rates and abortion, massive numbers of “immigrants” must be imported to continue the program.  Additionally, public schools have been transformed from the business of educating your children, into government schools specializing in conditioning the drone worker bees of the global collective.


It has been observed recently by one senior Chinese government official that as China moves towards more freedom and democracy the United States is moving towards less.  Consider the massive Department of Homeland Security – while our borders remain open to potential terrorists. 


Which brings us to the Patriot Act under which a lowly line supervisor in the FBI can initiate a “Person of Interest” file on you or I without our ever knowing of it’s creation.  That is, until it’s too late to legally defend ourselves and we become an “Enemy of the State” (A potential legal definition of a person of interest under provisions of the Patriot Act). 


Think I’m kidding?  Since 9/11 the Department of Justice and the FBI have sent out an average of 30,000 letters per year requesting background information on individuals under the new provisions of the Patriot Act.  But Vice President Cheney insists that no violations of privacy under the Patriot Act have occurred to date.  Believe him?  I don’t.


Lastly, discrimination by the majority has been replaced with discrimination of the majority.  Hate laws now protect some individuals more than other individuals.  Call it what you please discrimination is still discrimination.  Islam may be taught in the classroom but the teacher can’t wish her students “Merry Christmas!”  Some freedom.


You have heard it said, a people get the government they deserve.  Thomas Jefferson put it well when he said, “A nation that expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, expects what never has been nor ever will be.”

 Comments on the ratification of the 16th Amendment to the Constitution

Senior United States District Court Judge James C. Fox, March 21, 2003 (court transcript)[3]


“I think that it [violation of the war powers act by both Congress and the Executive branch of the government] has occurred over a long period of time, and consequently, there is less hesitancy on the executive branch to preserve [the Constitution].  It’s just like kids who break a rule the first 200 times and, after a while they don’t care; they don’t acknowledge that the rule even exists…”


“If you were to go back and try to find and review the ratification of the 16th Amendment … you would find that a sufficient number of states never ratified that amendment … And nonetheless, I think it is fair to say that it is part of the constitution of the United States, and I don’t think any court would ever set it aside.”


I leave you with this final quote from the German writer, humanist, and philosopher Goethe: “No people are so hopelessly enslaved as those who think themselves free.”


[1] Sources:  White House OMB 2005 Budget; 1913 Annual Commissioner’s Report.

·         1913 Corp. Income tax was an excise tax

·         1913, (Misc.) primarily alcohol, tobacco, etc.

·         Estate tax started in 1916, Gift tax in 1924

·         2005 federal revenue is 5,962 times higher than in 1913

[2]  President GW Bush’s great-grandfather was a steel magnate and contemporary of the likes of E.H. Harriman, Joseph Kennedy, John D. Rockefeller and J.P. Morgan, architects of the Federal Reserve Bank.

[3]  Donald Sullivan, Jeffrey Sullivan vs. United States (to prevent the un-lawful use of American forces in Iraq in keeping with the War Powers clauses of the Constitution. 


Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Finally, the facts about the 1992 Presidential Election

 By Melinda Pillsbury-Foster

 In 1992, George H. W. Bush, seen above top left, was trounced by a down-at-the-heels Southern Governor who into March 1992 was faltering in the polls.

Clinton began his downward trend immediately after Gennifer Flowers went public on TV about her long-term affair with Bill. Bill and Hill immediately denied the affair had taken place, this on live TV. Hillary was nominated for an Oscar. (No, but she should have been.)

Bill Clinton’s numbers began to climb in the first half of April. Donations began pouring into his campaign coffers. In late March, his campaign account had been down to $50,000.

Bill and Hillary were planning to return home to Arkansas in mid-March.  Then, their Media Consultant read a Fax which had come in. A free consultation was offered by the sender. 

The consultation was set up.

Now, you can find out how Bill and Hillary were elected and realize how much money and work went into hiding the outcome of the election in 1992 by both the GOP and Democrat Parties.

The Background – An early innovation:

What today you know as QVC and Home Shopping Channel, or “So You Think You Can Dance”, technology, was used after 1992 so people could interact with what they saw on TV.  This produces sales of lots of stuff and produces billions for them.

“So You Think You Can Dance” and a small number of other shows used the same technologies and also prospered with many times the number of viewers as traditional TV shows.  94 million phone votes, still a record, were cast by text votes, phone votes, and online votes in a three-hour period.

The price of TV advertising hinges on how many viewers the show has.   

In early 1992, a very different show was offered by fax to potential participants.  The fax arrived in the campaign offices of each of the 65 presidential candidates then running for president.  Free satellite time was offered if they participated by recording an unedited speech to a live audience, no editing allowed, nor would PhoneVoter TV Network (PVN).  The speeches were sent to 1,200 news directors across America and 20 million Americans via satellite TV.  Those watching, could also participate, calling in their agree/disagree reaction tallied on screen.

This made great TV news.  News shows are always looking to drive up their own ratings, of course.  And those hearing the candidate had the chance to respond to what the presidential candidate said. Live. How many of us would love to have that chance?  

The faxes were received, but only four candidates responded, this by phone. This was free satellite time, free advertising.  But one of the candidates pumped their consultant, the founder of PhoneVoter, Brock d’Avignon, for information on how this all worked.  That candidate was Bill, “I feel Your Pain” Clinton, using a pseudonym, Marcus.

After the stunning November Election Night, political savants scratched their heads about how Clinton beat the most popular sitting president in history; President George H. W. Bush’s popularity was at an all-time high for any president, 89% just months before. Therefore, grasping at straws, they opined, “Perot Phenomenon”.

Naturally, no one in power wanted the apple cart upset, but it had been. The cover-up began.  Real, and feverish, cooperation between Republicans and Democrats began.

On January 21, 1992, PhoneVoter TV Network had been launched by the young tech-oriented TV producer named Brock d’Avignon, who added satellite TV, telepolls with tallies, and live phone-in tallies.  Thus, American history was changed.  And this next time, 2024, no cover-up.

Visit  Phone Voter’s HomePage, which includes lots of links to the fascinating back story, of what happened in 1992 all on the PhoneVoter site!

They didn’t want you to know - but now you will!

And, starting now, Debate Tourney is ready. 

The age of the 20 clowns on the stage has ended! 

Here is what happened in 2020. 

And here are the Libertarians who carried out this astonishing move for Freedom and, most especially, the Free Market!

And their fearless leader, Brock d'Avignon!