Thursday, August 8, 2024

Auschwitz 2.0: The Zionists' despicable "Summer of Cruelty" in Gaza

 By Jane Stillwater

     My Aunt Doris from Detroit married a survivor of Auschwitz.  Could anything be worse than a Nazi concentration camp as grim as Auschwitz?  Apparently so.  Zionists are currently competing for the title of having created the Worst Concentration Camp Ever -- almost like it was some kind of Olympic event and they were striving for a gold metal in bestiality, trying to beat Auschwitz' previous record of being the most cruel place on earth.

     My Aunt Doris from Detroit married a survivor of Auschwitz.  Could anything be worse than a Nazi concentration camp as grim as Auschwitz?  Apparently so.  Zionists are currently competing for the title of having created the Worst Concentration Camp Ever -- almost like it was some kind of Olympic event and they were striving for a gold metal in bestiality, trying to beat Auschwitz' previous record of being the most cruel place on earth.

    Here's even more history of the 100-year ongoing massacre of Palestinians by Zionists: 
For those of you who still read stuff, Paul Larudee pleads with the Zionists to give America back our country:
And we are being duped about Venezuela's elections too -- because gold and oil are involved (of course):

America, just wait until "your boy comes home in a box" after defending the Zionists' right to commit genocide:

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