Sunday, July 21, 2013

Obama Executive Order: Americans Must Be Tested For HIV / AIDS

Barack Obama issued an executive order on July 16, 2013 titled “HIV Care Continuum Initiative” which he claims will be a national movement and federal involvement in the war on HIV/AIDS. According to the executive order, recommendations are that HIV testing be administered for “all individuals ages 15 to 65 years” and this will be overseen by the US Preventative Services Task Force, coordinating with, you guessed it, criminal Kathleen Sebelius’ Department of Health and Human Services.

The exact language of the executive order reads:
“Based on these and other data, recommendations for HIV testing and treatment have changed. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force now recommends that clinicians screen all individuals ages 15 to 65 years for HIV, and the Department of Health and Human Services Guidelines for Use of Antiretroviral Agents now recommends offering treatment to all adolescents and adults diagnosed with HIV.”
This executive order will “coordinate Federal efforts in response to recent advances regarding how to prevent and treat HIV infection. The Initiative will support further integration of HIV prevention and care efforts; promote expansion of successful HIV testing and service delivery models; encourage innovative approaches to addressing barriers to accessing testing and treatment; and ensure that Federal resources are appropriately focused on implementing evidence-based interventions that improve outcomes along the HIV care continuum.”
By the way, under Obamacare, which seems to be imploding before it is even implemented with Democrats already calling for reform, this executive order says that “The Act is expanding access to recommended preventive services with no out-of-pocket costs, including HIV testing, and, beginning in 2014, insurance companies will not be able to deny coverage based on pre-existing conditions, including HIV.”
Susan Posel points out:
In 2010, the National HIV/AIDS Strategy For the United States (NHAS) was released with the goal of:
• Reducing HIV incidence
• Increasing access to care and optimizing health outcomes
• Reducing HIV-related health disparities

The Obama administration has taken pharmaceutical corporations and investors contributions as defining factors to create a “broad range of perspectives” on policy as directed from the Office of National AIDS Policy (ONAP).
ONAP is tasked with creating “a national strategy is a concise plan” that will become “a document that provides a roadmap for policymakers and the general public.”
ONAP has taken steps within the public sector to facilitate “community discussions” in cities across the nation to formulate needs of those afflicted with HIV/AIDS; such as medical care and housing.
It’s ironic that AIDS was originally labeled GRIDS (Gay Related Immune Deficiency Syndrome) and was predominantly occurring in the male homosexual community. Many in our society are embracing the homosexual community, even to the point where “Christians” are saying it’s ok for them to get “married” because they aren’t “hurting” anyone. Well look what the land of sexual deviancy has brought us; not only a deadly disease, but also mandatory testing.
Sebelius and Valerie Jarrett have issued a statement claiming they know what’s best for Americans and that “scientific developments have advanced our understanding of how to best fight HIV” and “recent research also shows that an important benefit of earlier treatment is that it dramatically reduces the risk of HIV transmission to partners. Furthermore, HIV testing technology is faster, and more accurate than ever before, and HIV drug treatment is less toxic, and easier to administer.”
These are the same people that continue to promote the very behavior that brought us AIDS in the first place. I find it incredibly hypocritical.
Michael Weinstein, president of AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF), said:
“Actions speak louder than words. We have had other grand announcements from the White House on AIDS that turned out to be empty words. If indeed the President has finally understood the importance of this issue and will proactively address our concerns, then we will applaud that effort, but not until then. We have wasted 4 1/2 years trying to educate this president about the tragedy that is AIDS in the world. The war against AIDS has not been won – keep your promise. Mr. President play a real leadership role here and abroad – your legacy depends on it.”
Ms. Posel goes on to point out that “Somehow, the eugenics aspect of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, which directly correlates to its origin and would be useful in finding its cure is completely ignored by mainstream media, medical communities and even some members of the alternative media. In July 2008, the mainstream propaganda released an article admitting that, strangely enough, ‘people of African descent are much more likely to have a genetic trait that makes them more susceptible to infection with the HIV virus.’”
“In 1962, the US Senate received a report concerning chemical and biological warfare,” Posel writes. “This is the government contract where HIV-like and Ebola-like viruses were bio-engineered by the US military and the bioweapons contracting lab Biomedics. They were producing viral cancer in monkeys that could then be used through genetic engineering to infect humans.”
Her conclusion makes absolute sense. “HIV/AIDS has been developed as a bio-weapon of mass depopulation capabilities, but now the global Elite are stepping up their intention with their research into the abilities of the human immune system. Specifics could result in a “vaccine” that would cause the human immune system to become ineffective. By claiming there is a pandemic, the global Elite could justify the need for mass immunizations. This would leave every person inoculated under threat of becoming deathly ill from even simple exposure to the common cold.”

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