From: WND
by David Kupelian
Exclusive: David Kupelian reveals record fear, stress, suicide – and inspired way out
COMMENT - Neurofeedback can alleviate the symptoms of stress. See NeurOptimal.
Terrorism. Chaos. Fear of the future. In the age of Obama, America is
undergoing a “fundamental transformation” – that much everyone knows.
But what few seem to realize about this transformation is that the
sheer stress of living in today’s America is driving tens of millions to
the point of illness, depression and self-destruction. Consider the
following trends:
- Suicide has surpassed car crashes as the leading cause of injury death for Americans. Even more disturbing, in the world’s greatest military, more U.S. soldiers died last year by suicide than in combat;
- Fully one-third of the nation’s employees suffer chronic debilitating stress, and more than half of all “millennials” (18 to 33 year olds) experience a level of stress that keeps them awake at night, including large numbers diagnosed with depression or anxiety disorder.
- Shocking new research from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that one in five of all high-school-aged children in the United States has been diagnosed with ADHD, and likewise a large new study of New York City residents shows, sadly, that one in five preteens – children aged six to 12 – have been medically diagnosed with either ADHD, anxiety, depression or bipolar disorder;
- New research concludes that stress renders people susceptible to serious illness, and a growing number of studies now confirm that chronic stress plays a major role in the progression of cancer, the nation’s second-biggest killer. The biggest killer of all, heart disease, which causes one in four deaths in the U.S., is also known to have a huge stress component;
- Incredibly, 11 percent of all Americans aged 12 and older are currently taking SSRI antidepressants – those highly controversial, mood-altering psychiatric drugs with the FDA’s “suicidality” warning label and alarming correlation with school shooters. Women are especially prone to depression, with a stunning 23 percent of all American women in their 40s and 50s – almost one in four – now taking antidepressants, according to a major study by the CDC;
- Add to that the tens of millions of users of all other types of psychiatric drugs, including (just to pick one) the 6.4 million American children between 4 and 17 diagnosed with ADHD and prescribed Ritalin or similar psycho-stimulants. Throw in the 28 percent of American adults with a drinking problem, that’s more than 60 million, plus the 22 million using illegal drugs like marijuana, cocaine, heroin, hallucinogens and inhalants, and pretty soon a picture emerges of a nation of drug-takers, with hundreds of millions dependent on one toxic substance or another – legal or illegal – to “help” them deal with the stresses and problems of life.
By the way, things are no better over the pond – and may be worse, according to one major study that concluded almost 40 percent of Europeans are plagued by mental illness.
Note: This report is is excerpted from the April 2013 issue of WND’s acclaimed Whistleblower magazine, “STRESSED AND DEPRESSED: The unreported health crisis of the Obama era.”
What on earth is going on? Why isn’t medical science – and for that
matter all of our incredible scientific and technological innovations in
every area of life – reducing our stress and lightening our
load? Why doesn’t the almost-magical availability of the world’s
accumulated knowledge, thanks to the Internet, make us more enlightened
and happy? Why is it that, instead, more and more of us are so stressed
out as to be on a collision course with illness, misery, tragedy and
Most important, what can we do to reverse course? Fortunately, amazingly effective help is available – but more on that later.
‘He wants people to snap’
“Life is difficult,” wrote psychiatrist M. Scott Peck at the outset
of his international best-seller, “The Road Less Traveled.” Stress,
difficulties, disappointments, accidents, disease, misfortune, cruelty,
betrayal – they’re unavoidable in this life.
Yet, during eras when society and families are stable, unified and
fundamentally decent and moral – as, say, America during the 1950s – the
stress level for each person is minimized, or at least not compounded
by a perverse society. Conversely, when – as is the case today – we have
widespread family breakdown, a depraved culture that mocks traditional
moral values, a chaotic economy and disintegrating monetary system and a
power-mad government dominated by demagogues and sociopaths, the normal
stresses of life are greatly multiplied.
Thus it has come to pass that America, long the hope of the world,
has grown increasingly dispirited and angry, which in turn breeds
anxiety, fear, confusion, hopelessness and depression.
After all, let’s face the hard facts: We just re-elected perhaps the worst president in history,
someone manifestly obsessed with dismantling traditional, free-market
capitalist America and transforming it into a socialist nanny state.
That in itself is highly stressful – at least for the roughly half the
population that still understands socialism always leads to a profound loss of freedom and prosperity.
Then there’s today’s relentless economic pressures: high unemployment (the actual rate is at least double that of the “official” government rate), foreclosures and bankruptcies, a stagnant growth rate, 11,000 new people signing up for food stamps every single day,
rising taxes for the entire middle class whose net worth is
simultaneously shrinking, ever-higher prices for food, gas and other
essentials – and overshadowing it all, a galactic national debt burden,
courtesy of a wildly out-of-control government unrestrained by either
the Constitution or common sense.
That, too, is very stressful. Top it all off with an administration
continually abusing the public for the sake of enlarging and
consolidating its political power – for instance, by purposely making the “sequester” cuts hurt Americans, even our active-duty soldiers, as much as possible.
Make no mistake: This sort of stress on Americans is not only
intentional on the part of Team Obama – it is strategic. Remember, these
people are revolutionaries (that is, engaged in “bringing about a major or fundamental change,” as Merriam-Webster puts it)
and utterly committed to replacing one societal structure – America’s
constitutional, limited-government, free-enterprise system – with
another – a socialist, wealth-redistributionist system run by an
all-powerful government.
Such a radical change cannot be accomplished while Americans are calm, happy, content and grateful for their blessings. Citizens must
be unhappy and stressed out. Indeed, widespread popular discontent has
always been the required fuel for leftist transformation.
Just reading a few pages into Saul Alinsky’s notorious “Rules for
Radicals,” one encounters repeated confirmation that the very key to
radical “change” is keeping the populace angry, encouraging their
grievances, stoking their resentments and making sure they are
continually upset. That is the primary psychological dynamic of
“community organizing” – and America today is led by
community-organizer-in-chief Barack Obama, a long-time master
practitioner and instructor in Alinsky’s neo-Marxist agitation methods.
Top radio talker Rush Limbaugh recently picked up on this normally unspoken aspect of Obama’s modus operandi: “I think he wants people to snap,” opined Rush.
“I think Obama is challenging everybody’s sanity. Obama [is] literally
pushing people to snap, attacking the very sanity of the country.”
Commenting on Obama’s sudden obsession with employing every means
possible to deny law-abiding Americans their constitutionally guaranteed
right to keep and bear arms, Limbaugh exclaimed: “All of this is so in
our face. Everything that people hold dear is under assault. Deliberately making people upset! This is not what presidents do.”
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