Melinda Pillsbury-Foster
the harsh storms of winter subside we approach the 238th
anniversary of an event in American history which provides insight
and direction badly needed today. On April 19, 1775 a musket was
discharged, beginning a clash of arms over a small bridge standing
astride the stream at Concord, Massachusetts. We have all seen the
statues and, perhaps, remember the poems.
To this day no one knows who fired the shot. But the unfolding clash shocked the British Crown and set the stage for the first nation on Earth who proclaimed the principle of universal freedom in July of the next year.
To this day no one knows who fired the shot. But the unfolding clash shocked the British Crown and set the stage for the first nation on Earth who proclaimed the principle of universal freedom in July of the next year.
This was not a government operation. These were a people who recognized the power was within them.
Perhaps the best lesson to be drawn from those events, which we have allowed to be obscured through the misted lens of time, is that this marked a moment when the people did it themselves. By so doing, they confounded the greatest power then existing on Earth.
people had come together to determine their course thorough the
Committees of Correspondence. In most towns across the colonies small
groups met and discussed all of the reasons for action and their
options. Today, the parallel method would be the Internet.
British had been emboldened by their success in seizing the
colonist's powder, read this 'ammunition,' held in Portsmouth, New
Hampshire the year before. With their supply of munitions cut off
from capture of the Fort William And Mary, the colonists were
determined to be prepared. Town folk armed themselves and turned out
to practice.
British Empire had 8,000 men under arms across the globe. A far
smaller number were serving the Crown in New England. That, the Crown
felt, was entirely sufficient.
At the close of day, April 19, 1775, 10,000 Americans were marching towards Lexington and Concord, muskets, knives, and hammers in hand, prepared to die to win their freedom.
At the close of day, April 19, 1775, 10,000 Americans were marching towards Lexington and Concord, muskets, knives, and hammers in hand, prepared to die to win their freedom.
who helped their husbands, fathers, grandfathers and sons ready
themselves, packing their pouches with food, filling containers with
water, understood the danger they, too, faced. This was not a war
fought far away, but one which would shatter families, homes and
destroy their businesses and the food they relied on for winter.
were a people who understood the value of freedom to each, as part of
their nature granted, not by a king, but by God.
This video comes from The Guardian.
The father of Dzokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, suspects in the Boston marathon bombing, says the pair were framed. Anzor Tsarnaev, asks police to arrest Dzokhar alive, following the death of 26-year-old Tamerlan after a shootout. The Massachusetts governor says Boston residents should stay in their homes and not answer the door, unless to a police officer
This video comes from The Guardian.
The father of Dzokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, suspects in the Boston marathon bombing, says the pair were framed. Anzor Tsarnaev, asks police to arrest Dzokhar alive, following the death of 26-year-old Tamerlan after a shootout. The Massachusetts governor says Boston residents should stay in their homes and not answer the door, unless to a police officer
In Boston today....Swat teams and law enforcement invaded in a way the British would never have done. One brother is dead, the other is in flight. This is not exactly surprising, given the record of American law enforcement for violence and shooting first.
- (via Reddit:
- #watertown Imagine looking out your window and seeing this
- Picture from a friend who lives in #watertown, outside her window.
- It is intense but we have to appreciate security forces endless efforts in #watertown
- #watertown residents be patient with the ongoing investigations please
- The military is here. Blackhawks circling overhead. Martial Law? Let's hope not. #Boston
- Blackhawk above the house.
- SWAT going door to door asking questions and looking for clues or anything to lead the suspect. #watertown
- A dozen officer going into our yard at 62 laurel st. #mitshooting #mit #boston
- Daylight . . .
- View from my house...crazy #watertown
- The fact that those explosions were literally right outside my window has to be the scariest thing I've ever experienced #PrayForWatertown
- Theres a scene outside of my house. Police FBI Media #PrayForBoston
- Aggregated by:
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