Obama Executive Order On Gun Control While America Watched Boston? Joe Biden: “The President Is Already Lining Up Some Executive Actions He’s Going To Be Taking Later This Week”
From: Before It's News
According to these stories today, one from liberal news website Stabley Times as well as another story from Nothing But Truth,
Barack Obama is ready to issue executive orders on gun control since
Congress has shot down an earlier attempt to squash the 2nd Amendment.
In fact, Joe Biden has come right out and called for executive actions
from Barack Obama on guns, this week!
Vice President Biden told White House allies in the gun control
fight Thursday that President Obama will be announcing new executive
actions on gun violence in the days after the Senate voted down a gun
violence bill.
On a conference call with “stakeholders,” Biden told gun control
advocates that the fight is not over and that eventual action on gun
control will come. Press were not invited to the conference call; a
participant provided BuzzFeed with access.
“Look, I know you’re going to say that I’m just being an optimist
and I’m trying to put a good face on this. But, you know, I’ve been
around here a long time and we’ve already done, because of you, some
really good things,” Biden said. “Number one, the president is already lining up some additional executive actions he’s going to be taking later this week.” (Note: later THIS WEEK from Thursday is either Friday night or Saturday)
While America’s eyes have been focused upon Boston this week, what else
have we been distracted from? Liberal news website Stabley Times says
that it is high time that Obama take action on gun violence, in fact,
they say it’s time for Obama to ‘ramp it up’. More below.
President Obama has reached his reached his wit’s end with the
inability of Congress to basic the most basic of gun control reform laws
due to the undue influence of the National Rifle Association over
republican politicians in Washington. His next move is to bypass the
NRA and the GOP both by revisiting his earlier executive orders on gun
control and ramping them up to include all the changes he can’t get
through Congress and more, and then begin work on permanent strong
gun control legislation for introduction in 2014 after his democratic
party has taken greater control of congress in midterm elections. The hardline move is in line with the will of the majority of American people, who have shown in recent polls that they’re largely in favor of strong gun control even if they own a gun own their own. Executive orders are Obama’s only method of acting on the will of the people in the name of bypassing the NRA lobbyist influence,
but Obama has largely shown a hesitance to use such orders to enact
severe changes thus far during his one-plus terms in office.
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